In your Facebook
Web 2.0 seems to have entered the coloquial but not changed the basic business of the Web. The most extraordinary of "Web 2.o" successes -say Facebook and MySpace (-full disclosure: I have never been to either site) - are rattling around looking for targeted ad dollars like the rest of everyone.
Back in July in the NY Times ["New Tool from Facebook Extends its Web Presence"], Chief Executive Mark Zukerberg of Facebook said "We are going to see big social networks start to decentralize into a series of social applications across the Web" as the company announced it was facilitating a new set of Web services for such disruptive micro networking.
The Web as mass media still seems to be the big driver; the Web as a targeted media - as a profitable collectin of 'long-tail' points - exists as hard scrabble.
Meanwhile the original aggregator, the AP, may be under pressure as small papers under the pressure of the Web and the advertising tumble cut subscriptions. Remember, the AP's service is being usurped by the Web. Remember, without the AP, American papers only have two bureaus in Bagdhad.
Meanwhile the ad page situation is undergoing a strange type of settling. The issue of how to handle reaminder ads is prominent as a gazillion pages are viewed, wanting for an accompanying ad. The so called ad network maringalizes the overall prodcut. Even the Times is replete What is the alternative?
Back in July in the NY Times ["New Tool from Facebook Extends its Web Presence"], Chief Executive Mark Zukerberg of Facebook said "We are going to see big social networks start to decentralize into a series of social applications across the Web" as the company announced it was facilitating a new set of Web services for such disruptive micro networking.
The Web as mass media still seems to be the big driver; the Web as a targeted media - as a profitable collectin of 'long-tail' points - exists as hard scrabble.
Meanwhile the original aggregator, the AP, may be under pressure as small papers under the pressure of the Web and the advertising tumble cut subscriptions. Remember, the AP's service is being usurped by the Web. Remember, without the AP, American papers only have two bureaus in Bagdhad.
Meanwhile the ad page situation is undergoing a strange type of settling. The issue of how to handle reaminder ads is prominent as a gazillion pages are viewed, wanting for an accompanying ad. The so called ad network maringalizes the overall prodcut. Even the Times is replete What is the alternative?